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Why Join Honors?

Audra Dial, Honors College Graduate荣誉学院的课程是课程和经验的核心,旨在丰富和最大限度地提高你的教育. As a talented and motivated student in the Honors College, 你将参加一个小而强大的核心课程, 由专门挑选的教师教授,因为他们的澳门合法赌场官网知识和对学术卓越的奉献. 荣誉院长和教师与每个学生密切合作,设计一个学习计划,以提高学生的学术澳门合法赌场官网,并为澳门合法赌场官网发展和高级学习提供最好的准备. The benefits of being an Honors student are many:

  • Small, 充满活力的教室里,同学们都在追求和你一样的教育深度.
  • 支持性的教师导师将努力激发你的好奇心, expand your understanding of the world, and help you achieve your personal and professional goals.
  • 跨学科的荣誉课程,以世界事件的各种令人兴奋的观点为特色, culture, and history
  • High-powered experiential learning, including undergraduate research, internships, special seminars, and projects
  • Scholarly travel opportunities, 包括在罗马和伦敦等令人兴奋的地方进行国际研究
  • Field experiences in the U.S. to historic landmarks, museums and cultural events
  • 在你澳门合法赌场官网的奖学金和工作机会方面给予特殊帮助
  • Priority registration and Honors housing
  • 完成课程后,您将在正式的招待会和毕业典礼上得到认可, where your transcript, diploma, 而学术服装会公开承认你的学术成就

Honors College Application

如果您有兴趣加入荣誉学院,请提交在线申请: APPLY HERE 

Note: If you are an incoming freshman with a 3.7 or higher high school GPA and 你在国际州立大学的申请表上表明你想被荣誉学院录取, 你不需要单独提交一份荣誉学院申请. 


Honors Curriculum

荣誉课程以四门课程为核心,让学生沉浸在人类文明的伟大思想和作品中,并为他们提供批判性思考的工具, 具有分析能力,并具有跨学科和概念整合和综合的能力. As a part of that, 荣誉高级研讨会/论文旨在挑战学生进行一个研究项目,该项目整合了通过荣誉核心课程开发的澳门合法赌场官网知识, minor and the student's major program. 四个荣誉核心课程满足七个基础研究类别, 允许荣誉学生更快地通过这些要求.

  • General Honors (GH) 101: Honors Seminar: Contemporary Issues
  • General Honors (GH) 201: Introduction to the Great Works
  • General Honors (GH) 301: Honors Junior Seminar
  • General Honors (GH) 401: Senior Thesis

In addition to completing the Honors core, 学生通过三个选修课中的一个专攻荣誉澳门合法赌场官网,这些选修课旨在让学生在子领域有更多的接触和经验:

  • Leadership and Civic Engagement
  • Global Perspectives
  • Honors in the Major and/or Foundational Studies

要从荣誉学院毕业,学生必须保持3分.25 cumulative grade point average, a 3.0 GPA in the Honors curriculum, and complete the Honors core, thesis, and one of the three elective concentrations. 荣誉课程旨在通过与基础研究要求和主要课程重叠,与任何学位课程一起工作.

Honors Housing

Pickerl Hall和Burford Hall是即将到来的荣誉学生的主要荣誉宿舍. Honors students are not required to live in Honors housing; however, 选择住在荣誉生活学习社区,让荣誉学生有机会与荣誉学院不同澳门合法赌场官网的同学建立友谊和组成学习小组. 

Benefits of living in Honors housing include:

  • Living with and around other Honors students
  • An Honors Resident Assistant (RA) lives on each floor
  • Private bathrooms
  • Central air conditioning
  • Quiet hours on each floor
  • Floor lounges for studying and hanging out
  • Programming space for Honors events
  • Close proximity to the Hulman Memorial Student Union, Dede Plaza and the ISU Fountain, and the Sycamore Dining Hall
  • A short walk from most classroom buildings

如欲了解更多资料,包括楼面图,请浏览住宅生活网站: Pickerl Hall  •  Burford Hall

Leadership & Involvement

荣誉学生有很多方法可以加入荣誉学院! 这些都是你可以根据自己的时间和兴趣来选择的机会. 我们希望你能选择参加活动,成为荣誉社区的积极成员, helping to plan them, and/or serving as a peer mentor.

  • Honors Council -荣誉委员会是一个学生团体,负责开发和促进我们每学期为荣誉学生提供的许多社会和慈善项目. 荣誉委员会每年都会举办秋季野餐和万圣节派对, participates in ISU's Homecoming, 协调志愿者机会和职业准备研讨会, 并邀请校园和社区嘉宾与荣誉学生交谈. 他们也欢迎荣誉学生团体对其他活动和服务项目的想法.
  • Honors Peer Mentors 荣誉同侪导师是荣誉学院经验丰富的学生,他们指导一年级荣誉学生适应澳门合法赌场官网的生活. 每个即将入学的荣誉学生都与一名同侪导师联网, who will offer advice, answer questions, 在你融入国际州立大学社区的过程中,成为校园里的友好面孔. 荣誉同侪导师参与了校园和荣誉学院的许多组织, 所以他们知道第一手的是什么是一个积极进取的学生, take Honors classes, live on campus, study abroad, 有效地平衡学校和课外活动的时间. 

Scholarship Opportunities

  • 即将入学的新生可能会竞争澳门合法赌场官网的各种奖学金(包括总统奖学金和大学荣誉奖学金)。, which are awarded through ISU's Office of Scholarships:
  • 荣誉学院提供了几个奖项,以帮助当前的荣誉学生在大二期间, junior, or senior year. 国际滑联在读学生的奖学金机会可以在分部找到: